
New Content Arriving on Learn to use QuickBooks in your construction business

Over the next few weeks we'll be bringing in a lot of content from our main website - While much of this content is not new, it will be new to this site and your business. Sunburst Software Solutions, Inc. has been in business since August 2000 and over the years our main website has grown to include many QuickBooks related items, including training and productivity articles.  As a result, the Support & Training Area of our website has grown out of control, which makes it difficult for people to find the things that they are looking for. In an effort to reorganize and update all of our QuickBooks related training materials, as well as reorganize our main website, we are moving our Free and Fee-Based QuickBooks related training…
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eBook: Certified Payroll Training Guide

eBook: Certified Payroll Training Guide

Making the move from residential or commercial construction projects to government-funded construction projects - which have certified payroll reporting requirements - can be an overwhelming task for contractors, their office staff, and the accounting professionals who support them. Our 76+ page self-paced Certified Payroll Training Guide is a great "good old simple English" reference tool and provides information about answer such questions as: What is Certified Payroll? Who makes the laws governing certified payroll reporting requirements? How do I or my client comply with Labor Standards & Payroll reporting requirements? What information has to be reported on the certified payroll reports? Which report must I complete and submit? What is an "electronic" certified payroll report and how do I submit them? And much, much more. Our Certified Payroll Training Guide…
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VIDEO: QuickBooks® for Contractors hangout 11/14/2012

This is the recording of the QuickBooks® for Contractors hangout held on Wednesday November 14, 2012.  Our hangouts are held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month and can be accessed on the Sunburst Software Solutions, Inc. Google+ page.  Everyone is free to watch the hangout live on our Google+ page, our YouTube Channel or be invited into the live hangout - which hold a maximum of 10 people; so it's first come - first served. During this hangout we discussed: Year end payroll planning What you should be doing NOW to prepare for the first payroll in 2013 Important due dates Getting yourself organized and not waiting until the last minute to prepare your final quarterlies Getting ready to issue W-2's 1099's and 1099-K's Tips & suggestions for developing…
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Payroll Due Dates for Year-End 2012 and Year Beginning 2013

Payroll Due Dates for Year-End 2012 and Year Beginning 2013

Business Productivity Tips & Training
Payroll due dates always seem to cause a lot of stress - especially at year end when there is so much to do! The holiday's don't seem to help matters any either with extra time away from the office, it's difficult to concentrate, get things done, and stay organized. Perhaps you are fairly new to payroll in general and this is the first time that you've had to deal with year end tasks and are feeling totally overwhelmed. Year-end payroll tasks start in December and really can continue right through the first of April!  Yikes - that's a lot of time to be spending on additional payroll tasks! There are so many things that need to be taken care of; you need to be organized and have a checklist that includes when…
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FAQ – Upgrading QuickBooks eBook

FAQ – Upgrading QuickBooks eBook

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Upgrading QuickBooks. This time of year there's always a lot of hype and pressure to upgrade to the newest version of QuickBooks.  Inuit put "upgrade" ads in your current version of the software, they send you emails with "special offers", perhaps your QuickBooks professional advisor or your CPA is making the recommendation that you upgrade. Sometimes this is just hype and a way for these folks to make some extra money - because they earn a commission on your purchase.  Other times their urging is legitimate, perhaps the version of QuickBooks that you are using is scheduled to "sunset or retire" by May of 2013 and you'll use many of the services that you rely on - like payroll and on-line banking for example. This 19-page…
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Employee New Hire Information & Checklist

Employee New Hire Information & Checklist

Business Productivity Tips & Training
An employee new hire information and checklist will help you to gather all the information your need about an employee once you have made a hiring decision. Congratulations, you've decided to hire your first employee or perhaps your business is growing and you are hiring additional employees. In either case, there is so much more to hiring an employee than putting an ad in the newspaper and arranging for interviews - even though these are both very important. Once you have gone through the interview process with everyone who has applied and you make a hiring decision; you find yourself with a lot of additional information that you need to have keep on file about the employee that you just hired. All of a sudden you are subject to Federal…
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VIDEO: QuickBooks for Contractors Hangout 9/12/2012

This is the recording of the QuickBooks for Contractors hangout held on Wednesday September 12, 2012.  Our hangouts are held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month on the Sunburst Software Solutions, Inc. Google+ page and everyone is free to watch the hangout live or be invited into the live hangout. Our live panel of long-time QuickBooks users/ProAdvisors had a combined total of more than 68 years of experience in using and/or supporting Intuit QuickBooks Financial software - and with the release of QuickBooks 2013 on Monday the new version was a prime topic of conversation and a live preview of QuickBooks 2013 was presented.  During this hangout we discussed: Difficulties in navigating and finding tax and labor law information on various State government websites Difficulties in complying with digital…
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What’s New in QuickBooks 2013 – A Special Google+ Hangout

What’s New in QuickBooks 2013 – A Special Google+ Hangout

Live Webinars
  Intuit has just announced the release of QuickBooks 2013 (today - 9/10/2012) and I'm inviting you to join us LIVE for a special QuickBooks for Contractors Hangout on Google+  for a preview of QuickBooks 2013.  This event will be held on Wednesday September 12, 2012 from 5-6 p.m. EST.  If you can't make the live event, you can watch it on our YouTube Channel at your convenience - because we'll be recording this special event. While there are not many new program features, QuickBooks 2013 looks significantly different from prior versions. I've been actively involved in working with QuickBooks 2013, as an Alpha and a Beta tester, since the end of June. According to Intuit, this year, a top request that they heard from customers like you was to…
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VIDEO: QuickBooks for Contractors Hangout 8/11/2012

This is the recording of the QuickBooks for Contractors hangout held on 8/11/2012. During this hangout we discussed the following: Using OneNote vs Evernote Using Dragon Naturally Speaking CSI Cost Codes vs. NAHB Cost Codes QuickBooks for Windows & QuickBooks for Mac functionality Problems with leasing a computer The next hangout is scheduled for Wednesday September 12, 2012, 5-6 p.m. EST - will you be joining us?
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VIDEO: QuickBooks for Contractors Hangout 7/11/2012

  This is the recording of the QuickBooks for Contractors hangout held on 7/11/2012. (Technorati claim token WFSDMZ4GQXJH.) After a rather shaky start (a blue screen of death on my new laptop) we had a lively discussion about: Tablet use and functionality Employee issues GPS Tracking app for your iPhone that tracks where the vehicle has been, how long it was there, number of miles driven, etc. , download the information to your computer and integrate it with Google earth for map display.  The GPS product is by Land Air Sea, find out more at  10 common mistakes that contractors make when using QuickBooks Contractors Board in California has updated all the required construction forms (Lien Waivers, etc.) as of July 1, 2012 If you missed our live hangout,…
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