QuickBooks for Contractors-Job Costing Basics from A to Z Recording

QuickBooks for Contractors-Job Costing Basics from A to Z Recording

Job Costing in QuickBooks can be one of the most agonizing tasks that a commercial or government construction contractor and their bookkeepers face on a daily basis. In fact, I talk to folks every day that tell me “I can’t get any job costing reports or information out of QuickBooks!”, and they usually aren’t very happy about the situation. Sometimes that statement literally means that they see no job costing information in QuickBooks, they can't make any sense of the reports or information that they do see – OR –the job costing reports they do see don’t look like the reports that they were used to from their old accounting system, which was industry specific. While I can’t make the reports look the same in QuickBooks as they did in…
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