eBook:  Documenting Change Orders

eBook: Documenting Change Orders

Documenting Change Orders and using a construction change order form when a customer asks you to do extra work on a construction project are very important.  If you don't have some sort of procedure in place, you could end up not getting paid for that change order or extra work! While the start of a busy construction season may not be the time to do a full-scale revamp of your current construction contract documentation and job costing systems, it is certainly time to give it a thorough review for the upcoming season, and perhaps make some modifications to your existing system within QuickBooks. Many contractors (General Contractors, construction managers, trade and sub-contractors alike) often approach their projects being ill-prepared to guard against the financial impact of not being paid for…
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VIDEO: How To Make Your QuickBooks Customer:Job List More Meaningful

VIDEO: How To Make Your QuickBooks Customer:Job List More Meaningful

  The QuickBooks Customer:Job records hold a lot of important information, project information, customer types, job types, job descriptions, start dates, and many other things as well. The QuickBooks Customer Center provides you with the ability to track your Customers (project owners, awarding authorities, or general contractors) that you perform work for. For each Customer you can then track the various Jobs (projects) that you are working on for that specific customer. For each Job that you are working on you can also track Sub-Jobs (your Change Orders or Extra Work orders) that are specific to the original job. QuickBooks offers you two different ways in which to view your Customer:Job List. One view will allow you to look at the details (Estimates, Invoices, and Payments) for a specific job…
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